If you have an urgent water issue after hours, please call 519-271- 4700
If you have an urgent sewer issue after hours, please call 519-301-1435
If you have a by-law related complaint (noise, property standards, fence and hedge), please use our by-law complaint form
If you have a streetlight outage or complaint please use the Festival Hydro Streetlight Service Request
*** Please allow 3-4 business days to process your request ***
Notice of Collection: Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and will be used by Stratford City Staff to respond to problems or issues reported. Questions regarding the collection and use of this information should be directed to the City Clerk, 1 Wellington Street, P.O. Box 818, Stratford ON, N6A 6W1; or by telephone at 519-271-0250 extension 5329 or email Clerk's Office during business hours.
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